For those who haven’t known yet, I will be going to Boston, USA next February for a 4-day United Nations General Assembly. Well, it’s not really THE General Assembly, but a simulation of it. Simply put, it is just the same as the real general assembly except that it is made up of a bunch of university students from all around the world, acting as delegates for an assigned country, and the Directors, Secretary Generals, etc. are made up of Harvard University students. Although it’s a simulation, the topics that will be discussed are based on real-time situations.
Under the General Assembly are a few other committees, such as the Disarmament and Security Council (DisSec) and the World Health Organization (WHO). As a medical student; where else would they put me if not in the World Health Organization? It’s an honor for me to get the chance to see a world-perspective view of the current healthcare issues. I’ve been sitting in class, listening to public health lectures for almost 2 years now, and so far I still don’t have a clear view of what’s the situation out there. Well, it’s my fault actually, usually I will fall asleep during the first quarter of the lecture, and if the lecturer is lucky enough, I would make it to the second half. But I rarely make it to the end. Sad =(…but because during the conference, I will have to speak in front of hundreds of students from all around the world, I wouldn’t want most of them to doze off during my speech. I believe in karma, so lessons learned, for the past few months I have been listening attentively to the public health lectures =P
Despite the busy days ahead of me, I plan to write more about this sometime later. However, if you’re interested in knowing what this conference is all about, visit www.hnmun.org
Despite the busy days ahead of me, I plan to write more about this sometime later. However, if you’re interested in knowing what this conference is all about, visit www.hnmun.org
gud2..congrats! glad 2 hear dat hehe..
but mcm mane u blh d selected?
base on wat?result?
TQ2!...em,based on interview,essay writing n public speaking. Selection tu dah lame dlu,bout 4 months ago. BTW, I'm d only malaysian tau wakil UNPAD =P
waaahhh!!! great! hehe
all d best..so u berjaye melepasi smua obstacles 2 la??ececece..
bakat terserlah,dlu tak camni haha
Eh, dlu kat jasin org bg speech mase roll-call tu terserlah ape bakat. haha...oh,msti la u x dtg sbb bgn lmbt =P
congrats Lutfi, wish u all the luck in the world =) have fun! ;)
ellooo!! tak k..
i dtg awal tanpa d panggil ustat ape eh..tak igt plak name ustat 2 hehe
bile plak u bg speech?4 wat eh tyme 2?
ntah...yg igt name timangan die ustat saber. hehe...ade la mase setiap kelas kn wajib bg english speech tiap kali english day
thx farina~i appreciate it =)
lutfi fadil...
cam tak cayer plak..teringat dulu time kita sekelas..huhuhu..
but then, now is da real LUTFI FADIL ha~~!!
wish u all da best...
ow yeah!tyme 2 u so small,tak pasan hehe
look! iena agree wit me haha
lain lut dulu n now
proud of u..d only malaysian =p
aku nak suggest kan ko baca buku 'say it like obama' by shel leanne. u won't regret!! help to develop ur communication and leadership skills..mmg best!!
btw, nak no contact.dah lma kite lost contact..
Hi iena~
hey,thx 4 d comment n suggestion. dat buk mcm best je,nk carik la...most bookstore ade ke?
anyway,ad facebook or FS? I'll gv my contact no. thru there
wait!!!!!!!!!! is this World Model United Nations?? or whatever Model United Nations?????
i learn about it in my uni and became a conference assistant for Wellington MUN and NZ MUN this year..
baru terpk nak join uni punye next year but you, you are well ahead of me. oWWWW congratulations LUTFI!!!
Thx mimi~
yep, the world MUN, more commonly known as Harvard National Model United Nations
so your university hantar wakil brape org? next year u join la. best tw! x pegi lagi dh tw...hehe
haha. tak pastilah berape org. haish. kalo mau pegi yg tu kene ade lepas interbiu sume2.
dan..modal nya juga besar. World MUN ritu pun kne byr $4000 ape. haish...
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